Are you living your soul purpose?

This is uniquely yours, you feel inspired by it, it thrills and excites you. It’s the very thing that you as an individual have come to do in your life.

It could be to be the most loving mother, the most wonderful lover. Your purpose could be taking a stand against injustice. You might be a great artist or writer of a book that sets the world on fire. Many ‘ordinary’ people have found their purpose as a result of great challenges in their lives which they have overcome.

So, if it’s so good, why aren’t we all living our purpose?

Because much of our life is governed by the past. We’re encouraged by self help books to create a better future, to achieve a happy and fulfilled life. But just focusing on the future doesn’t always work. Most of us consciously want to move forward but often come against resistance.

The problem we face is we don’t know what it is that holds us back. The root of our problems is hidden in our unconscious.

As Albert Einstein said “The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” We need to look at our problems from a different viewpoint in order to find creative solutions.

So first we must find out what is the underlying dynamic at work which is blocking us! This first step is becoming aware of the patterns in our lives. When bad things happen its not ‘fate’, there will be a connection with some event in our past.

Get to know your ego!

I can help you discover what your ego doesn’t want you to know. The ego wants to keep us safe. It dislikes change because it’s unknown and so the ego assumes it is a bad thing.

I see the ego as a pesky creature that constantly mutates. A bit like the Gremlins in the movie of the same name, cute but don’t feed them after midnight!

To awaken our soul purpose we need to listen to the Higher Mind. Plus we need to discover what it is that is stopping us, to explore the unconscious dynamics that are at work.

Most of us have been taught to live a ‘normal’ life. We have many beliefs that keep us small. The voice inside that says ‘who do you think you are?’ to be that smart, gorgeous, talented, brilliant’.

Change does mean moving out of our comfort zone. It’s a bit like being a plant in the process of re-potting with the roots dangling! Things might seem uncomfortable and confusing at first. There will be times when it might get tough. The ego -the part of us that wants to keep us from changing – will use its best tricks to sabotage us. It’s vital to have tools and a map to help get through those tough times. The Bottom line: time is not on your side. It’s so precious and it goes by so fast.

Are you ready to make some changes in your life right now?

I have a host of practical tools to help you. My purpose is to  show you your strengths and reveal your true potential and gifts. I do this through my knowledge of astrology combined with the dynamic principles of Psychology of Vision. This model has helped thousands of people all over the world in the last forty years. It is based on A Course in Miracles.